Property and Real Estate Business

6 Essential Skill Property Development

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Property development has 6 essential skill sets to become successful. Number 1 is sourcing. Number 2 is planning. Number 3 is funding. Number 4 is building. Number 5 is exit. And number 6 is the mindset to become a developer. So if you can master those skills, development is a lot easier. So these top five tools are here to help you become a property developer. So if you’re looking for land in the sourcing element, my two tools for helping you is number 1, Rightmove.

Now everyone can use it on the computer and you can go through and have a look on the computer, which is great. But when you’re out and about, look on Rightmove on your phone. So get the app on your phone and have a look at the Rightmove, data. So we look at the commercial part on Rightmove. That is for land, that is for buildings, for investment opportunities.

So commercial part of Rightmove is what you wanna be looking for. My second tool is Searchland. Now this is a paid service. We don’t get paid to promote Searchland, but what I’m telling you is this because, this has really, really helped us find deals. Now Searchland brings all data into one platform.

We found that this has been one of the best, tools out there for searching land. It’s clean to apply and it is very consumer friendly. So if you’re looking for a plot of land, you can click the title. It will inform you what the title is. It will tell you any planning permissions on there.

If it’s a building, it will tell you the rates or value on there. So there’s so much information that, search land gives you in one place it’s worth paying for. So you can find sites on Google Maps and Google Earth, but then you’ve got to go to the, the title registered database or the land registry database even. You’ve got to then go to the planning portal for your specific council. You gotta go to loads and loads of different websites where Searchland brings it all into one place.

Once you’ve found the site, the next step is planning, funding, and building it. So in the analysis part, the planning part, I would use 2 tools. Number 1 is my PDA, which is my property developer’s assistant. This is exactly what it is on the tin. It’s your property developer’s assistant.

This is a tool which gives you access to analyze your deals. It’s a CRM system to collate all the sites you’ve been looking at and keep it in one place. So you haven’t got dates, like folders and folders and folders of different sites all over the place. Like, when I first started, that was me. I had folders everywhere.

I kept calling them different things. I didn’t know where the sites I was looking at was stored. So MyPDA is great for keeping everything in one place, but it’s also great for analyzing sites within seconds, and I mean within seconds. Number 4 tool is C Link. So c dash link dot com.

This tool is great for giving you a rough price on your bill cost. So one of the questions we get asked all the time is how much is the build cost in my area? And now I can’t tell you the answer because I don’t know what you’re building. I don’t know what spec you’re building to, and I don’t know the the size or whatever. Okay.

So everything is subject to the site. The great thing with C Link is you can put everything about your site, your building into, sort of preset parameters, and that will then throw out a rough build cost for that site in general. So you can then use that information to put into my PDA to then start analyzing sites more accurately and get better deals accepted. And my final tool to use, number 5, is Facebook. Now it sounds simple, it sounds easy, probably most people watching this have got access to Facebook.

But why I’m telling you that is because we have raised 1,000,000 of pounds from Facebook. We’ve got a group called the property developer secrets where there’s 21,000 members on there. So those people on there are all interested in property developing. So we put a post out a while ago saying we’re looking for some money for a an investment on a loan agreement basis, and we had money coming into us from people we did not know. They have followed what we’ve been doing on social media because we put out on social media a lot.

So Facebook, use it to promote what you’re doing. People will watch what you do and when it comes to finding another site or finding investment, they already know who you are and what you do, and it’s more likely you’ll raise finance that way. So use social media to your advantage. Show people what you’re doing. Show people the deals you’re looking at.

Show people the sites you’re analyzing. Just be open and honest with people on Facebook. Show them what you’re doing. Let them into your world, and they soon might invest into your next deal. So that is my 5 top tools to become a successful property developer.

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1 Comment
  1. Mamai says

    Very nice..

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